The Pets Page

The Pets Page


Hannah and Shaun asked for a page especially for our here it is...


This is Bear... he's a blue point Balinese... he was born on January 14th 2000... and lives up to his name very well...he's just like a big huggy soft n cuddly bear.. also the terror of the house... he has his moments of madness where he runs around the house in a mad cat attack...runs up the walls, attacks the furniture and in general is like terror in the night...but overall a big sook....Bear also has a weird habit of fetching things that you throw away.. he runs up grabs it and brings it back to you and waits for you to throw it hmmmm strange cat...


This is Rocky... he was born on January 14th 1995... He's a rockwieler crossed with boxer... he's my guard dog but on the other hand he's a big sook too...he likes to play tag and does all those doggy tricks...eats like a horse and gets ridden like one by

Below this Ive just added some pictures of Shaun and Hannah with Bear...O:)